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Maintenance method of level gauge

By Manager
Date: Oct 22, 2020
The maintenance and maintenance of the level gauge need to pay attention to the following methods:

(1) Pay attention to keeping the float of the oil tank level gauge clean, try to make the internal structure of the level gauge waterproof, moisture-proof, corrosion-proof and avoid violent collisions and blows from other objects;

(2) Select professional technicians from regular pressure vessel manufacturers to guide the on-site installation of the level gauge. Ambient temperature: -40℃~85℃, stay away from high heat sources and pay attention to ventilation. If the working environment temperature exceeds the rated temperature, corresponding cooling protection measures should be taken;
(3) When the ambient temperature is too low, an instrument protection box or other protective devices can be used for protection, and care should be taken to keep the measuring temperature of the oil tank level gauge at -25℃~150℃, error: 0.5℃;

(4) Oil tank level gauges and probes should be regularly inspected professionally. (The inspection interval is determined by the user according to the specific situation), and the wearing parts should be replaced regularly.
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