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Maintenance recommendations for liquid nitrogen storage tanks

By Manager
Date: Aug 25, 2020
Choose the best way to maintain the liquid nitrogen storage tank, Jianshen tank will share with you:
1. The liquid nitrogen tank installation site should have excellent ventilation. Generally, it should be installed outdoors, surrounded by gates, and there should be no open flames, combustible and explosive materials and low-lying places within 5m;
2. It is necessary for the storage tank to have grounding equipment to conduct static electricity and anti-lightning equipment. The anti-static grounding resistance is not more than 10Ω; the maximum impact resistance of lightning protection equipment is 30Ω, and it should be tested at least once a year;
3. The overflow rate of the liquid nitrogen storage tank should not be greater than 95% to prevent overfilling;
4. The pressure gauge should stop the oil and check it regularly; the safety valve must be made of stainless steel or copper, check it regularly and remove the oil strictly;
5. When the valves, surfaces, pipes, etc. on the equipment are frozen, use 70-80℃ nitrogen, air or hot water to freeze them to prevent open flame heating;
6. When there is liquid in the storage tank, stop hot repairing, and it is necessary to warm to room temperature before repairing;
7. Operators must undergo professional training and pass the examination before they can be employed. Do not wear oily or chemical fiber clothing with static effects, and shoes with nails are not allowed. Open and close the valve slowly during operation. When deactivated, the booster valve should be closed tightly;
8. Regularly (for example, 15 days, analyze the concentration of acetylene in liquid nitrogen, and control the concentration below 0.1×10-6, otherwise liquid nitrogen should be discharged;
9. When liquid nitrogen is stored in airtight, it is necessary for someone to monitor the pressure and not overpressure;
10. Liquid nitrogen is not allowed to splash on unmaintained skin to avoid severe frostbite;
11.When the storage tank of the liquid nitrogen tank has been emptied of liquid and cannot be heated immediately, it is necessary to close all valves immediately. Because the temperature in the tank is very low, the humid air will penetrate into the interior through the connected pipes, causing icing to block the pipes.
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