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Lng Dewar regular inspection

By Manager
Date: Aug 21, 2020
The low temperature Dewar has poor thermal insulation performance, and the frequent discharge of the safety valve will increase geometrically. Therefore, when the vacuum of the storage tank is missing, a professional vacuum pump must be used to supplement the vacuum degree of the Dewar interlayer. Once the vacuum degree is restored to the factory value, the insulation performance of the pressure vessel can be significantly improved.

There are certain safety hazards in the overdue lng Dewar flasks currently in use. Therefore, the use of low-temperature insulated gas cylinders should be checked frequently, and a professional inspection agency should be asked to inspect the gas cylinders every three years. Vehicle gas cylinders are inspected every two years, and once every year if they have been used for more than 10 years.
Periodic inspection items include: safety accessories and pipelines, valves, static evaporation rate test, air tightness test, etc. Periodic inspection of lng Dewar is particularly important. It is necessary to go to a qualified enterprise to conduct periodic inspection of low-temperature insulated gas cylinder and pressure vessel.

Cryogenic gas cylinder inspection items include the following: data review, visual inspection, internal inspection, safety accessories and valve inspection, pressure test, air tightness test, static evaporation rate test, and pressure vessel vacuum, leakage and deflation when necessary Speed, air leakage rate and non-destructive testing.
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