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Notes for LPG storage tanks

By Manager
Date: Dec 26, 2016
1. The safe operation of liquefied petroleum gas storage tank should be controlled to prevent over-temperature and over-pressure of liquefied gas storage tank. The reasons of ultra-mild and ultra-high pressure of liquefied gas storage tanks are as follows:

(1) operating error in order to prevent operating error, it shall be listed on the key operating device, and the open and close direction, open and close state, matters needing attention shall be indicated on the card with obvious marks or words.

(2) the measures to prevent excessive filling of liquefied gas include: strictly fill the storage capacity according to the regulations, and if overloading is found, try to take out the overloading immediately; All the instruments used for filling must be inspected regularly, and the level gauge should be flushed regularly. If there is residual liquid in the container, it should be included in its charge and its weight should not be neglected. Spray cooling should be carried out when the surrounding temperature increases.

2. Maintenance of liquefied gas storage tank

(1) keep intact corrosion protection layer;

(2) eliminate corrosion factors.
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