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The origin of International Children's Day

By Manager
Date: Jun 01, 2020
International Children's Day (also known as International Children's Day) is scheduled for June 1st each year. To commemorate the Lidice massacre of June 10, 1942 and all children who died in war all over the world, oppose the murder and poisoning of children, and guarantee the rights of children.
In November 1949, the International Federation of Democratic Women held a council meeting in Moscow. Representatives of China and other countries angrily exposed the crimes of murder and poisoning of children by imperialists and reactionaries in various countries. The meeting decided to take June 1 of each year as International Children's Day. It is a festival set up to guarantee the rights of children’s survival, health care, education, and custody, to improve children’s lives, and to fight against child abuse and poisoning.
Many countries in the world have designated June 1 as a holiday for children, especially in socialist countries. In Europe and the United States, the dates of Children's Day vary, and there are often few public celebrations. Therefore, some people misunderstood that only socialist countries will designate June 1 as International Children's Day.
In order to protect the rights and interests of children around the world, in November 1949, the International Federation of Democratic Women held an executive committee in Moscow and decided to make June 1 every year as International Children’s Day. After the founding of New China, the Central People’s Government Administration Council on December 23, 1949 stipulated that China’s Children’s Day should be unified with International Children’s Day.
Jianshen Tank wishes children all over the country to learn basic skills and be good at asking questions.Well equipped youths lead to a powerful country, you are the future of the motherland, and beautiful China also needs you to build together!
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